Thursday, January 18, 2007

87 Days and Counting

I only started this blog to be able to comment on a friend's blog, so we'll see how frequently I update it. My guess...not frequently.

I'm engaged. Have been since Christmas Eve Eve 2005 when I returned home to find my fiance on bended knee in front of our Christmas Tree wearing a santa hat. Too cute. I always pictured my engagement woudl be a heartfelt expression of emotive words from my significant other that would go on and on toughing upon how I make his life complete and make him want to be a better man. A long thoughtful retrospective on our relationship that would make me break down and bawl (it usually doesn't take much - it's making me tear up just thinking about it).

That's not what happened - Nate kept it short and succinct. "Baby, will you marry me?" I thought he was joking. I said yes, of course, but didn't cry. Which dissappointed him. He expected me to get incredibly emotional like I usually do, say, watching a great episode of The Office during a particularly lovely Jim/Pam moment, or Extreme Makeover - Home Edition when the kid in the wheelchair sees his new ramp for the first time. Hey, maybe he should have come up something a little more than "Baby, will you marry me?" Don't get me wrong, I loved the planning and the secrets that went into the proposal and I certainly wish that I HAD cried because that's the way I always pictured it happening. But I didn't. For the record - I did cry later on that night. I think it just took a little while to sink in. I

So the wedding planning has been going on for over a year now. We have all the majors done and we're working on the little stuff now - planning the ceremony; choosing the menu; figuring out what the programs should look like; pink or green escort cards. All the fun stuff that when it comes down to it, you probably won't remember in a few years anyway.

Its 87 days now until the big day. I'm really excited and quite nervous. I don't like public speaking and hate when attention is focused on me. Tough situation for a bride who EVERYONE is supposed to focus on. I'm hoping I will just have a moment of clarity that day and will successfully glide through the event without cause for profuse sweating or uncontrollable emotional outbursts (unlike the proposal reaction).